Friday, October 10, 2014

Most Horrifying Thing I've Found To Date On The Stairs

The stairs have been somewhat less than fruitful these days. Not much to show or write about. Well, the most exciting thing lately was this:

i see london, i see france

But! Yesterday morning, I found the most horrifying, terrible, oh-god-is-this-real-or-some-kind-of-effed-up-performance-art.

i'm pretty sure that's blood

I am a slow learner. I'm not always the sharpest knife in the drawer. But I have learned one thing, and that is that if you find yourself wondering "Is that blood?" Chances are good that YES IT'S BLOOD. Check your person immediately to verify that it's not your blood. It did remind me of that time we went to the Confederate War Memorial here in town and was told that there was blood still on the walls from the Confederate wounded and I was all excited to see Civil War blood but NO, it was just like a few drops of blood and PLEASE even I know what happens when you get shot - this was more like paper cut blood or something. And who leaves blood on walls anyway? This is poor housekeeping at its finest. What were they thinking when the war was over? "No no no! Leave that blood there! School children will want to see that on field trips in the years to come!"


I don't know. Over and out.

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