Monday, October 20, 2014

Look quick! I'm being serious for a second.

I don't like to debate. I don't like arguments. I don't like verbal fisticuffs of any sort, and I hate self-righteousness and false piety. I loathe patronizing tones, and I absolutely abhor egotistical sanctimony. All that said.... I can't help what I know is written on my heart.

That Amendment 1 is some real crap, y'all.

What it comes down to - for me - is this: you want to take decisions that are mine, about my health and my body, away from ME (A, #1), away from my DOCTOR (B, #2) and give decision making abilities to a legislator?

What? *head spins*

Furthermore, and this is just me, again, it is absolutely unfathomable that someone who - ahem - lacks my biological complexities is assuming it's OK to amend our state constitution to make rules about my lady bits when their undercarriage is vastly different than mine.

I rebuke you, sir.

Not to mention, in an era where I hear cries for small government, small government! This is now proposing we add more regulations to an industry that is already regulated successfully?

Go eat some pie if you're bored. I have my hands full trying to dispel your nasty rumors about "women's rights." I have not heard anyone in the vote yes corner inform specifics about this pending legislation other to give vague assertions that "it's good."

Y'all, no one wants to have an abortion. No one wants to have to give someone an abortion. No one thinks Tennessee is an abortion destination - and what the hell does that even MEAN? It sounds like the worst honeymoon ever; like a trip NO ONE wants to go on. I realize I'm a grown up lady with a bean or two in my noodle, and I take measures to make sure I don't end up pregnant, but trust me - I do take comfort in knowing there's a last minute "not for me!" decision I can make. Yes, I want to live in a world where every pregnancy is feted with showers and booties and every child is raised in a loving, healthy and clean home. We don't live in that world, y'all. And passing this amendment will force unhappy, sad women who for what ever reason need an abortion, to seek care illegally in unregulated (insert gross place here). If anyone thinks this is going to stop abortions, they are 100% wrong.

Furthermore, this is the most patronizing piece of drivel I've heard initiated. This legislation does nothing but take away my rights and the rights of every woman in Tennessee. Every time I start thinking of this I picture a fat man in a suit patting my head and saying "There, there, little one. You're too pretty to make decisions of this magnitude, so I'm going to make them for you. Shh!!"

*punch punch punch*

To paraphrase Caitlin Moran from "How to be a Woman," raise your hand if you have a vagina. Now, raise your hand if you want to be in charge of making decisions about your vagina.


Congratulations, you're a feminist. And for the love, look through the gauze that's been looped around this proposed amendment and see it for what it is. Make informed decisions.

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