Thursday, November 21, 2013

Let's refer to this as "genealogy."

So recently my cousin Sam and his wife Jenna came into town for a pre-Thanksgiving visit with the family. They stayed at the cabin with Mama and the Dipper and the rest of the family popped in for a brunch get together last weekend. And, as Sam and Jenna hadn't been to the cabin before, naturally some of my grandmother's quilts were taken out and admired, and many pieces of Grandpa Steinie's woodwork were brought out for viewing.

And we got into the photo albums. Oh... we got INTO the photo albums. And one photo in particular caught my eye.

And buddy. Now I've got some questions.


Dear Random Polynesian Man,

Hi there. I'm Megan. That's my grandmother you have your left hand on. WHERE IS YOUR RIGHT HAND? Sorry. That was rude. Let me start with another question: WHERE THE HELL IS YOUR SHIRT? And are you wearing the Brady Bunch's kitchen wallpaper as a skirt? And I think you missed a spot shaving. But your necklace(s) are totes awesome. And will you please tell my grandmother that I think she got into too much poi and lost all sense of judgement because that outfit is loud. And rather tablecloth-esque.



P.S. I know it's balmy on the Big Island, but seriously - in the continental states we typically wear shirts. No, really. Look into upper body wear.

P. P. S. I'd also like to point out that this pic serves as a record of the first photo bomb. Well played random lady.


  1. ... and yet I have this urge to take my shirt off & I'm in Illinois.

    1. Ordinarily I'm for following through on most all urges. Just make sure no one's grandmother is around is all.
