So in addition to being a dyed-in-the-wool southern gal, I'm also a dyed-in-the-wool UT fan. The Roomstress, on the other hand - notsomuch. In spite of living in KnoxVegas for the last ten years or so, and having a degree from a campus in the UT system - still not taking to the Vol gene.
Something must be done. The answer is obvious.
The Roomstress attended her first UT football game last weekend. We tailgated, we ate and drank very unhealthy foodstuffs, we attended a whole two quarters to cheer on the Vols, we gave especially loud shouts out to Knoxville's own Jessica Henderson, we left early to eat BBQ on the sun deck at Calhoun's, we accepted an invitation for a drink on board the Vol Navy, we returned to campus and tailgated more - all in all, a very successful introduction into the church of UT football. The Roomstress was mightily pleased. I even think she learned some of the rules of football!
So in order to capture the moment, I thought it would only be appropriate to snap a quick pic before kickoff at the game. I held up my camera to a man sitting behind us, and asked over the din if he'd be so kind as to snap a picture of the two of us. He shrugged, nodded and reached out for my phone. And I noticed the woman sitting behind him frown and shake her head slightly - but I went on with the transaction anyway.
Here is a photo montage of what transpired.
that's his hand pointing and asking what button to hit to take the picture. i think you got it mister. gangbusters. |
yup, that's the one. you got it. hit that button again. |
um, ok yes, i said YES, that's the one. |
ok but - wait, you gotta turn it around - that's the wrong - |
oh hell, what the hell are you doing |
OK - you're getting the hang of this - you took a picture of SOMETHING |
yup ok - that's you |
you again. look how much fun the lady behind him is having at this exchange. he's all like 'what kind of evil sorcery is this? no ma'am i shan't snap you with this soul-sucking demon tool!' and she's all *snickers* |
christ. |
yeah, no. define insanity. you're doing it right. |
wait wait! warmer! |
thank you lord. and dear sweet person for your patience while man-handling my camera. |
Happy What the Hell Wednesday, ya'll! Over and OUT.
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