Wednesday, October 23, 2013

I'm so lost in Wonderland that it isn't even funny. Well. Ok. It's a little bit funny.

So I had to work over the weekend which I don't usually have to do, but I got done earlier than I expected and went back home to an open afternoon all free to do whatever I wanted to do. So what did I chose to do?

Chores. I finished sewing my Halloween costume.

It's a great costume, and I love to sew. I had a nice afternoon all alone to myself, as the Roomstress had departed on a date to the football game. And, as I am wont to do when I'm alone and finish a sewing project, I shucked off my jeans and tank top in the living room and wiggled into the costume. I hadn't had in on for a minute when the Roomstress and her date make it back home.

Here's the funny part: I hid.

Roomstress: Hello! We're home!

Me: OH!!! (hiding. Peering around corner...)

Roomstress: Are... are you decent?

Me: Um... well, sort of. Define decent? You know what.... what the Hell.....

And I walked out so they could both see me. In my Alice in Wonderland costume. And it's pretty damn dead on. I also was watching Pollyanna at the time too.

After they stopped laughing, they both congratulated me on a job well done. Pictures to come after this weekend's Halloween party!

In other news, I really have hit a new low when it comes to my diet. After working over the weekend and sewing all afternoon, I was so exhausted I couldn't bring myself to leave my apartment and go in search of real food. I wanted buttered noodles, but was all out of noodles. I found a half a box of lasagna noodles in the back of the cabinet and ....

made invention noodles. turns out, it worked for the best!

Additionally, I need to check out this page turner:

and as deaver pointed out - what a well placed sticker! also, two books to the left? coyote ugly - i just noticed that. who knew a leeann rimes special actually stemmed from literature. 

And lastly - look what I found on the stairs today:

milk! at least whomever is doing this will not suffer from osteoporosis.

That's all I got for today. Over and OUT.

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