Friday, September 6, 2013

Gratitude is the new black

I owe all the best parts of me to my mother. She consistently had done right by me even when I'm a dumbass and deserve the short end of the stick.

If I could script my life she would be my creative consultant. My moral compass and my role model.

Instead ... She's my touchstone. I can never be like her. I don't have it in me to be Mary Ann. Mary Ann is magnificent. Kind. Generous. Grateful. Benevolent. Can drop a pun like a mo-fo. Doesn't shy away from f-bombs. Funny. So so funny.  She is everything I wish I could be.

If only stupid Megan wouldn't get in her way. I marvel at her but I can't and sincerely don't really understand why I'm not more like her. She is the one that surveys the pieces when I fall apart and challenges me to put them back together in an even better way.

My mother is the greatest part of who I am.

she's also a fan of fun. i get that from her.


  1. Your Mom sounds pretty amazing. And the part of you that isn't her is pretty great too! Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. She's amazeballs. I kneel at the alter of her awesomity. And yes that's not a word but now it is because Mary Ann happened and of she doesn't get a scepter and tiara she should at least have a word in her honor.

    2. You should consider spelling that amaze-ables. Ven-able thing.

    3. You should also consider changing your blog's time zone to EST (also known as Human Standard Time). The idea that I was up before 7 on a Saturday doing anything productive is an affront to honesty and my own dignity.
