Wednesday, May 8, 2013


When the fit hit the shan in Planet Megan, my father kept saying, time will heal all wounds. Give it time, Megan, give it time. Then one time he made the mistake of saying Megan, one thing: T-I-M-E. And I said "What the hell is Tee-May?"

Mama said there'd be days like this (Mama said, Mama said!) And buddy, was she ever right. Yesterday was a real humdinger.

Fresh starts are hard, even when you're looking to make one. Having a fresh start thrust at you unexpectedly makes it harder I think, but I'm doing it like a mother fucking champ. (If anyone's in the downtown Knoxville area and would like to see some sweet-ass hooping, gimme a shout). But I am really trying to keep my angst close to the chest - telling too much to somebody you don't pay can come back to bite you and besides, no one wants to hear a bunch of whining anyway. So I limit most of my angst to pithy one-liners about being a singleton again.

Which explains why poor Regina heard me crying myself to sleep last night. And she didn't ignore it, she came and got in bed with me, and hugged me and just let me cry. After awhile, I stopped crying, and a text message came in from the Fireman asking if Regina and I wanted to meet out for a beer.

And you know after bawling my eyes out all night, I'm totally down for a date. But it was late and I didn't want to take the tee-may to put on real clothes so.... that explains why I was at the Corner BP in my Hello Kitty pajamas and crocs at 11 PM last night. No way to see that one coming. What makes it even funnier? I wasn't even conspicuous. BECAUSE I WASN'T THE ONLY ONE THERE IN MY PAJAMAS. Know what makes it even funnier? HER PAJAMAS WERE HELLO KITTY PAJAMAS TOO. The funniest thing? My Mama thought it was a hoot that I went to the Corner BP in Hello Kitty pjs in the middle of the night.

I think I met my Hello Kitty soul mate, and yes I neglected to take a pic. But I can't make this up, so you'll just have to take my word for it. So, please excuse me while I go take a billion pics of me in Hello Kitty pj pants and post them to Pintrest and you're going to want to do yourself a favor and go on and pin those while you're thinking about it because I am rocking the HK pj look in K-town and it will def be the new black next season. Obviously. Then, I'll be all "pffft, HK is so 2013" or I would if I didn't own a million HK things and if it goes out of style I'll be left with only like one library tshirt and a pair of jeans.

ANYWAY. Point is, I tried to cry myself to sleep and failed miserably because then Regina hugged me and then the fireman texted so we got up and went to the bar in the middle of the night and I was in Hello Kitty pjs sans bra and who can possibly be sad in the face of all that? NOT ME. The ridiculous factor was too high.

Watch out, Knoxville. It's my tee-may now to shine.

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