Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Holy crap, I'm a grownup

I took the day off work last Friday originally to run twenty miles in preparation for an upcoming marathon with friend, Amber. (Because what else does one do on ones' day off, right?) But due to an unexpected injury (read: my vanity got in the way when shown a wake board and ski boat on the first truly beautiful day of summer and I pulled a hamstring) I was forced to sit out. Instead, I loaded up the Dipper's truck and hauled two beds across the great state of Tennessee to deliver them to friend Heather. Each time I take a trip to visit her in Memphis, we always take time to a. have fun and also b. do some project around the house. Last time was organizing clothes for a resale, and this time:

caulking a tub! by the by, caulk is not toxic, nor is dish soap if you only take a teeny bite. just ask heather's youngest.

Saturday morning, Heather loaded me up and took me to the gym where she teaches and let me participate in her spin class. What the WHAT? Heather disappeared, and this TEACHER SHOWED up! Holy shit, ya'll. We are grownups now and stuff - Heather has a JOB as a TEACHER.

she shouted a lot - i was totally impressed

I have never wanted to stare at someone so much in my life. So I tried not to stare, but I couldn't help it when Led Zepplin came on in her spin mix. Then we locked eyes and we both cracked up.

After spin, I took her rip class where I totally did not try to be a hero (see note above re: wake boarding) and kept my weights at 5 pounds. Good call on that one, Megan. But it felt a lot like being a cheerleader again. Sweep up, half way, down, all the way! And go, Bulldogs!.

gross and sweaty but still pretty cute

The benefit of going shopping with a friend who lives six hours away?

you can buy the same clothes and not worry about dressing alike - check out my adorable lululemon running skirt!
I decided not to drive the truck back to Knoxville, so I: 
went home via rocket

Thanks for the love, Jordans.

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