Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Megan Smith, Do-er of Things

One of the suggestions I'm taking quite seriously is to occupy my time, and fill my hours doing healthy things. The usual past times I found soothing in the past really aren't of interest to me right now - maybe never will be again. I had to sew a slipcover recently, and did it as quickly as possible so that the chore may be over rapidly. And I used to love to sew.

So I'm taking classes. And classes. And more classes. To the point where it's becoming evident that I'm a bit of mayhem, doused in chaos sauce. Last night in a class I was asked to introduce myself, giving my name, what I do for a living, and what other fun things I like to do.

My introduction was my name, where I worked, and "I'm 38 and divorcing after 15 years of marriage. I'm trying to all the things I can right now, so I'm taking mindfulness meditation classes, clogging lessons, and this class. Oh, and I'm running a marathon in June. MUST DO ALL THE THINGS." (yes I said that last bit out loud to a room full of strange women)

And I felt a little bit like a lunatic. A frantic lunatic, doing all the things.

But it occurred to me this morning (while running) - maybe there's some sort of rationale to the mayhem. Order in the chaos, that sort of thing.

Mindfulness meditation - MINDLESSLY BE STILL


Clog dancing - LEARN THIS SKILL

Hoop dancing - LEARN THAT SKILL

So, until things calm down and I find myself smiling again for no reason, I'm going to keep doing all the things. 

i'm a running, hooping, clogging, meditating superhero who can sense a mess being made with supersonic skill


  1. Regina said and I Quote

    "If you play your cards right I might clog for you. And my roommate might hoop for you. Its a little something we like to do before bed at night. We are also working on a new art form known as clooping, a magical combination of clogging and hooping. Talk about exciting!"

    So at least your endeavors may bring happiness and joy to others (possibly without your knowledge - but life can be like that).

    This post makes me think of a couple of my favorite quotes from my favorite author Lois McMaster Bujold

    This is about a third of the way into the book Memory.

    "You go on. You just go on. There's nothing more to it, and there's no trick to make it easier.You just go on."

    "What do you find on the other side when you go on?"

    "Your life again. What else?"

    And this is from the end of the same book.

    Harra Csurik had been almost right. It wasn't your life again you found going on. It was your life anew. And it wasn't at all what he had been expecting. His slow smile deepened. He was beginning to be very curious about his future."

    Which is what I think will happen to you some day. You will find your life anew.

    (which by the way I am Regina's sister - I figured if you were talking out loud to a bunch of strange women then - hey - you don't get much stranger than Regina's family).

    1. Love your comment - and thank you for your (and Lois McMaster Bujold's) words. Am loving having Regina in my life, and am loving meeting her family. We spent a great evening with Robert the other day, and I am looking forward to meeting you.

      Thank you again!
