Thursday, March 6, 2014

Because I need to eat out less. No, really.

So a few weeks ago the Roomstress and I signed up for a freezer workshop class. You know, where they show you how you can make healthy and low-calorie meals at the drop of a hat when you pull nearly all prepared meals out of your freezer and feed them to your family? Except I don't have a family. And I eat out most of the time.

ANYWAY. We were not deterred by these details. We showed up ready to pass our freezer workshop class with flying colors!

Things were quite startling along the way however. First we had to buy an ungodly amount of meat.

good lord.

Then, we had to cut it up, divide it and put it in bags. I am proud to admit that I did my numbers in Happi Names dots so as to curry favor with the teacher the next day.

i repeat - good lord.

We showed up at friend Elizabeth's house and assembled bags. I was hoping wine would be involved. I was sadly mistaken.

my favorite part was mushing everything up in the bag. 

Ingrid went off recipe with her bags.

And here we have the whole crew post-bagging our meat (that sounds dirty).

i never need to cook again.

In other news, whoever is leaving crap on the stairs really needs to clean their act up. Literally.

what a mess.

Slow week this week. All I got for today. Over and OUT!


  1. My bad on the wine - I had some! Should have spoken up - I mean, did you not see all the scotch & wine bottles behind you?!
