Wednesday, June 26, 2013

UPDATED: Evidently I'm really good at keeping an eye on things

Along with the sleep-baking and having the ability to hear messes being made (which may or may not cause me to wake out of a dead sleep), I also have a very instinctive talent in finding four-leaf clovers at will. I don't know what it is, but lately I have been noticing that I see things that no one else sees (not dead people) (oh lord, I'll never go to sleep tonight now DAMMIT STUPID SIXTH SENSE MOVIE).

Last night I was at a baseball game, and upon leaving the restroom, I was shocked to see a snake slithering my way with only about eleventy billion people around, not noticing said slithering snake. Not noticing until I said something along the lines of "HOLY SHIT, YA'LL, THERE'S A SNAKE RIGHT THERE." I tried to shoo it out of the stadium but then I caught sight of an usher and made him pick up the snake and take it back to the woods (but not before I pet it; I'm not brave enough to pick up a snake but I'm only slightly scared to touch one and therefore felt compelled to do it).

So imagine my surprise this morning upon arrival at work to discover THIS:

i name him darth dracula

Me to approaching Orientation Leader and possibly two incoming first year students:

Me: Um, hey... I don't know ya'll, I just really feel like I have to tell someone this. So there's a bat on the sidewalk right there. I think he's dead though.
Orientation Leader: Oh my God. That is a bat. AND IT HAS HAIR.
Potential First Year 1: Maybe he's just asleep?
Me: Yeah, I don't think they sleep like that on the sidewalk. THEY HANG.
OL: I thought bats were reptiles?
PFY 2: (attempting vainly to feel for wind blowing to assess whether Darth Dracula is slightly alive/very drunk or just a bat corpse flapping in the breeze)
PFY 1: Yeah. I'm late. Let's just leave it.

So then I found someone from facilities to call the bug man to come take away a potentially rabid bat corpse away only to find out later on that one of the librarians saw the bat and sent two people out to see it/poke it with sticks and found it missing because the bug man had come and given him a bat funeral. Or flushed him down the toilet; I don't know how one goes about getting rid of a dead bat. But then since someone else saw Darth Dracula, maybe that doesn't make me so special after all, but I'm the one who named him therefore I WIN.

Oh, one more thing I spotted and visit often to gather posy boquets to brighten our Dowton Loft:

the free flower store where the kns used to stand. i'm pretty sure i'm the only one who takes advantage of this city service.

The next two items have nothing to do with anything, but first, I cannot stop watching this video. It makes me very happy indeed.

You're welcome.

Second, I'm still learning how to treat Regina like a roommate and not a husband. Because it occurred to me just the other day that perhaps most roommates don't hug good night. Or kiss goodbye. Or maybe they do? In any event, no one's complaining so I'll stick with it until she tells me to stop.

Over and out.

UPDATE: After work yesterday I wrote this blog and promptly went home and went for a run. Once I hit the Gay Street bridge, a mouse jumped in front of me and scared the hell out of me. Running back, he jumped out again, and having forgotten about the mouse, he proceeded to once again scare the hell out of me. But this time he ran in front of me the rest of the whole way down the bridge.

way to get your cardio in, mouse
Obviously, I am Dr. Doolittle. 

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