Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Mid-week Nonsense....

Turns out that I must have writers block or some such nonsense and I haven't felt like writing much lately. And I'm busy. But I keep taking photos of stuff and thinking tee hee how funny would that be to write about so I'm just going to make a picture montage and just show you things I've been seeing lately:

these super white shoes were worn by a man in the chicago airport on the way to seattle. how in the world does he keep them so white? and why? super confusing...

me, whale watching sans whale. don't i look pirate-ey?

fortune i got at a restaurant in san juan after eating my grinder. it was a PIZZA/chinese restaurant, which i don't understand. but apparently fortune cookies encompass all types of cuisine and that's what everyone got with the check. and i'm not sure what is going to make good sense yet but i've only been back a month so i'll just keep waiting.

important information for parents on water

hahahahahahahaha that's funny grafitti

A few months ago I posted a picture of the saddest corn plant ever. Please note: not MY corn plant! It lives in the gym of my building and has steadily declined over the months.

this corn plant has just given up

He's completely bald now too, and two of the stalks are just sticks in the dirt. The third, tallest stalk has a green shoot growing out of the bottom and I speak words of encouragement to it when I see it.

Remember the mushroom debacle of the summer of 2013?

Imagine my surprise the other day when I found THIS:

oh hell. but at least you can see my little green shoot!

So evidently I live in a spore factory or some such nonsense.

All I got for today! Over and out!


  1. Those white shoes! Even the soles are white! I bet you if I got white shoes and somehow managed to keep them spotless for the first month or so, I would become obsessed with keeping them clean. It would change me. I would never go to crowded places and would have to move to a dry climate to avoid mud. The very idea of the Color Run would enrage me...
