Friday, May 16, 2014

Mostly because I want a new post

But honestly, not a lot is going on besides work. Instead, I went through my camera through the last year and found some things I meant to blog about and never got around to.

amber tried to sew these pants.

here's how they came out.

old timey photo! roomstress and me right before christmas.

i would like to point out that yes it's obvious that whoever wrote this while pooping, however my eye was drawn to the "carnies rule" which i think we can all agree is true but seeing as how this is followed by a "?" i have to only assume that the writer was either being sarcastic or ironic. anyway. bathroom graffiti is usually good for a laugh. or a head scratcher - either one. 

That's all I got for today. Over and out.


  1. Can't stop laughing about the pants.

  2. You are a nut...and need of some Kikis Nation gear! Look 'em up! Comfy...Amber needs them too. My sisters' biz...xoxox
