Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Today I don't feel like being silly

It's been a day. Well. It's been several days actually. Well - I take that back too. It's been lots and lots and lots of days. Days where nothing goes right. Worse days when I trip and fall for no reason. Days where skirts get left at home and water bottles that are accidentally left on the hood of the car. And several days where things are melancholy and cold and rainy (but not snowy) but flooding and yucky and gray and gross. And cold. So, so cold.

Did I mention the rain? I literally just ran outside to get the mail, tripping between the raindrops in my high heel boots when a car drove past my house and splashed me with a puddle just like in the movies. Except Ryan Gosling wasn't there after to give me a big smooch.

But I felt like writing something, so I'm going to write about something that always can bring a smile to my face.

my happy hat

I bet you laughed right now. This hat was in my grandmother's belongings when we moved her out of her condo and into assisted living. Anyone who's had to clear out the house of a Depression-era baby knows what I'm talking about - scads and scads of 'things' that no one knows what to do with, how to dispose of or what it even is.

This is a hand-knit skiing hat as best I can tell. It seems to have been made of leftover yarn, because the pom poms on top don't match at all. One of the cats recently pulled one off and I haven't taken the time to sew it back on.

The day I found it I burst out laughing. I went to the mirror and laughed even harder. It's the most ridiculous thing ever. I kept it, swearing that it would never let me be sad again. If ever I was blue, all I had to do was look in the mirror with this thing on.

I wore it to my grandmother's funeral. I lent it to a friend when her mother was ill. And, it's getting a lot of mileage these days.

Anything for a laugh. I guess I am being silly after all.

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